About Operation: Equip
The Lord of armies is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah.
- Psalm 46:7 -
Our Mission
Providing combat reservists who have outdated and insufficient gear with top-notch tactical equipment and encouraging crucial prayer support during Israel's longest war.
Our Impact
Supplying life-saving ceramic-plated vests and tactical helmets to 140 soldiers in two IDF reserve companies.
Our Founder
Judi is an American-Israeli living in Jerusalem, employed full-time in nonprofit work, and serves as a reserve duty captain in the IDF.
Our Story
On October 7th, 2023 during the joyous holiday of Simcha Torah, our entire reality shattered. We had no idea, no warning, of the absolute terror that would change us all forever.
While the early morning rocket sirens sent the entire country running back and forth to bomb shelters, my neighbor, an EMT, rushed into our building’s shelter saying “I don’t know if you all are updated, but there are hostages, Israelis have been murdered and there are terrorists storming the country. This is serious.”...